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A late entry for what was another great great great day. One where we all rediscovered the joys of this great sport.
It was Sunday March the 12th 2006, the three muskateers down in Kurnell:
Proto summed it up:
dudes, that was one awsome session yesterday...thanks for use of the kit...
Still high from the rush....bring on more wind.
We had an awesome day with Cuspy's 12m Switchblade. What a perfect kite that is.
Most of the afternoon messing around. Proto left early, realising he was still a recent father. Cuspy has still got a few weeks before he will be facing the same dilemma. Me & him messed around into dusk...
And on the day and the Switchy, from Cuspy's deaf ears:
got one more go in - wind turned directly onshore which made it tricky to get pass the groins
awesome day in all though
FatChicken tried to get stuck in the nature reserve, made it with inches to spare.......
'like trading in a morris minor for a ferrari'
'great not to have the long walk home along the beach'
'protocole getting too big for his booties'
'one purchase from KP Steve I'll never regret'
nuff said
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We got a treat in the evening though, the eagerly anticipated premiere of the stupendous N,G&A feature film of the main event of February: the Dangar Island, Peat's

But what an amazing Sunday on the Bay.
The 5:58am text messages (early after the previous day's disappointment) said have a lie-in. I was full of flu so that was a blessing. But by 9ish, we were go. The arrows were lining themselves up for southwesterly. Me & the Proto legged it down to Brighton-le-Sands expecting to go to the Cap'n Cook bridge for the SW facing beach over there.
But the wind was 220 degrees, ie perfectly cross-shore on Brighton. And it was blowing. Weyhey. Proper bloody kitesurfing action.

The missus came down with us. The last time she saw us being about a year ago, so she was expecting a day of tangled lines, kites falling out of the sky, no wind, disappointment, cup of tea in the van, and losing something-or-other.

[Cuspy just avoiding smashing the kite on the water, Photo by KT]
Proto had to go early and pack for his trip to the homeland. So he's gonna be out of action for 2mths. Probably worried he'll come back to find me doing jumps. And able to surf!?
But Cuspy was down so me & him continued til the wind dropped. Up, down, messing around, lots of upwind, down by the Novotel shark net. Amazing. The thrill of flying across the water. Some turns. Some board control.
A full day of beautiful kitesurfing.

[Me in front of the airport and city, Photo by KT]
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Winter's here for sure. Yesterday the southwesterly morning forecast told us to get our arses out of bed and get down to Boat Harbour (Cronulla) before breakfast. We fannied around and tried the small (south-facing) beach by the George's River Sailing Club (by the Captain Cook Bridge). Not a bad spot actually, for a southwesterly. But only if its actually blowing.
Before heading back to the City with our tails between our legs, me & Cuspy thought we'd check out the Boat Harbour, where there might be more knots, it not being sheltered by anything. I was slightly nervous about the swell. Especially seeing it as we drove down the dunes to the shore. But round to the right behind sheltered by the reef, it was bearable.
A surprising amount of wind though, considering how poor it had been inside Botany Bay. We tried the 12m Switchblade first. But too hard with the swell, and the surf, in what was light wind. So we moved up to the 16m Crossbow - now a whole two weeks since we bought it. It was hard work.
The two other's kiters out there - a couple?, and later on a bigger posse of kitedudes and dudettes - had moved on from 11m's to 16m's. And then decided there was more value on standing around than being in the water.
We struggled on. Met one of the guys who was friendly and had some helpful tips.
Of course decent wind and smooth waters are very forgiving of lacking talent. Today's conditions were not!
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